After arriving at January 6 in Manila, ma'am Tin as USI coordinator pick us in the airport and we all together bound to Naga city by van. we arrived in Naga city at 3 am on January 7, 2019.
The procedure of the practicum :
The student teacher first registers themselves with their home university. In university phase, the university will select those who are eligible to join this exchange program. The first phase is the administrative selection. After that, the university will call selected participants to be interviewed. After being interviewed by home university, your registration form will be sent to SeaMeo Then, Sea-Meo will choose the right place for you to conduct this student exchange program. After that, you will be contacted via email from your receiving school that may be in Thailand or in the Philippines. After that, after receiving the email, you will be interviewed by the receiving school. After being interviewed, you only need to wait for several days of your status accepted or not. If you pass, then you will get a LoA (letter of acceptance) from your receiving school. Then, you will be entered into the same group as the other participants. After that, you need to send your ticket file to go and go home when the program takes place. And finally you will be picked up by the receiving school at the airport :)
During your stay in abroad, you must also pay attention to the duration of your stay, because you may have to make a visa if you live in the Philippines for more than 30 days. After arriving, you will get one buddy and one cooperating teacher. You only need to follow the applicable procedures, starting from the teacher's teaching schedule, how long, and what topics you will teach, etc. You have to prepare all of your demo teaching needs, and finally you will have a final demo teaching where your coordinator from the receiving school will observe and assess how you teach while at there. After that, you can return to your home country and reunite with your family :)
