Before teaching in class, the teacher or my cooperating teacher firstly make the lesson plan. The lesson plan will guide her in teaching. The teacher prepare the activity that increase students’ engagement, and make the students’ centered. She said to me if prepared the detailed lesson plan will help you in reaching the learning target, within the objectives based on the curriculum.
She also said of the method that she used for one topic can be different for each classes. Because my cooperating teacher teach all classes of grade 9, so she consider the classes that the learners full of kinesthetic learners of learning style. There are two classes that full of kinesthetic learners, and one class has audiolingual learning style, then the other may be vary (mix). so, she design the activities based on what the learners need in the class room.
Then, she also consider the creativity or the new activity that may be different from the previous. So, to increase students’ spirit or motivation, the teacher tries to design the innovative activities that not monotonous.