Here is an example of criteria or rubric that almost with the teacher used in her classes. At that time, when I do the observations, in the same time the students have their performance test in a small project based. In this performance, each classes have 4 group, which one group consist of 8 people approximately. So, in the same time, I also get chance to see their great performance and I think there are many students there have acting talent. Then, I also get the chance to judge and giving advise to help the students’ improvement for the next drama performance test. At that time, the teacher gave me the rubric, and asked me to give score to each group.
So, teacher usually uses rubric for assess the performance test. Then, for the usual, teacher uses the formative test to asses students. Formative test can also considered as the formal assessment, while the informal assessment is also implemented. The informal assessment is when the teachers observe the students activities in the classroom. For example, consider the way of how the students asking questions, giving opinion, participate in the discussion, give comment, discipline, and others.
The other assessment is, teacher assess students by using worksheets, group works, and quiz.
Honestly, the students have to reach the learning target of each topic, based on the objectives in their curriculum.
Here is the example of the rubric for performance test (min drama).

I also attach the another rubric for drama. All components are almost the same with what my cooperating teacher used.
go to this link to see the example of the performance rubric that all the components are the same with what my cooperating teacher used.