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4.1 Curriculum related to my major

Writer's picture: Trinanda Mahdiyah LestariTrinanda Mahdiyah Lestari

Updated: Apr 30, 2019

Curriculum of Grade 9 (K to 12 basic education) :

  • Quarter 1

  1. Program standard : The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

  2. Grade level standard : The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

  3. Content standard : The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing, assessing, summarizing information, word derivation and formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.

  4. Performance standard : The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.

  • Quarter 2

  1. Program standard : The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

  2. Grade level standard : The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

  3. Content standard : The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of valuing other people; also how to use processing information strategies, different forms of adverbs and conditionals for him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.

  4. Performance standard : The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation through employing effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Style and Body Movements or Gestures.

  • Quarter 3

  1. Program standard : The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

  2. Grade level standard : The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

  3. Content standard : The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also how to use ways of analysing one-act play and different forms of verbals for him/her to skilfully perform in a one-act play.

  4. Performance standard : The learner skilfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions

  • Quarter 4

  1. Program standard : The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries

  2. Grade level standard : The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries

  3. Content standard : The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also how to use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.

  4. Performance standard : The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.


Learning Competency :

  • RC - Reading Comprehension

1Q :

  • Share prior knowledge about a text topic

  • Take note of sequence signals or connectors to determine patterns of idea development given in a text

  • Scan sequence signals or connectors to determine patterns of idea development

  • Skim to determine key ideas and author’s purpose.

  • Make a connection between the present text and previously read texts

  • Identify advance organizers, titles, sub-titles, illustrations, etc. given in a text

2Q :

  • Compare and contrast similar information presented in different texts.

  • Get information from various print media like brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, and audio-video recordings

  • Get information from various print media like brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, and audio-video recordings

  • Get information from various print media like brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, and audio-video recordings.

  • Get information from various print media like brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, and audio-video recordings

  • Sense the difference between linear and non-linear texts.

  • Interpret information found in non-linear texts such as diagrams, maps, charts, etc

  • Match diagrams with their corresponding write-ups.

  • Organize information in various ways(outlining, graphic, representations, etc.)

3Q :

  • Express appreciation for sensory images used

  • Explain the literary devices used

  • Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author

4Q :

  • Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation

  • LC- Listening Comprehension

1Q :

  • Infer thoughts, feelings and intentions of the speaker

  • Paraphrase the text listened to

  • Agree or disagree with the ideas of the speaker

  • Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented

  • Draw generalizations and conclusions from the material listened to

  • Compare and contrast information listened to

  • Summarize information from the text listened to

2Q :

  • Shift from one listening strategy to another based on topic, purpose, and level of difficulty of the argumentative or persuasive text.

  • Make inferences from what was said.

  • Listen to paraphrase and summarize information from persuasive texts.

  • React and share personal opinion about the ideas listened to.

  • Analyze the content and feeling levels of utterances in persuasive texts

  • Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented.

3Q :

  • Employ appropriate listening strategies suited to type of text

  • Extract important information from argumentative/persuasive texts

  • Reflect on the ideas of the speaker

  • Provide appropriate and critical feedback/ reaction to a specific context or situation

  • Share personal opinion about the ideas listened to

  • Analyze the content and feeling levels of utterances in persuasive texts

  • Judge the relevance and worth of information/ ideas

4Q :

  • Analyze the stand of the speaker based on the explicit statement made

  • VC- Viewing Comprehension

1Q :

  • Infer thoughts, feelings, and intentions in the material viewed

  • Assess the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material viewed.

  • Draw generalizations and conclusions from the material viewed

2Q :

  • Share personal opinion about the ideas presented in the material viewed.

  • Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material viewed.

3Q :

  • Interpret the message conveyed in a material viewed

  • Interpret the message conveyed in a poster

  • Analyze the information contained in the material viewed

  • V- Vocabulary Development

1Q :

  • Note types of context clue (restatement, definition, synonyms, antonyms) used for a given word or expression

3Q :

  • Get familiar with the technical vocabulary for drama and theatre (like stage directions)

4Q :

  • Get familiar with the technical vocabulary for drama and theater (like stage directions)

  • LT- Literature

1Q :

  • Analyze literature as a means of discovering the self

  • Express appreciation for sensory images used

  • Explain the literary devices used

  • Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author.

2Q :

  • Analyze literature as a means of valuing other people and their various circumstances in life.

  • Identify the distinguishing features of notable Anglo-American sonnets, dramatic poetry, vignettes, and short stories.

  • Express appreciation for sensory images used.

  • Explain the literary devices used

  • Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author.

3Q :

  • Analyze literature as a means of connecting to the world.

4Q :

  • Analyze literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in a changing world

  • Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author

  • WC- Writing and Composition

1Q :

  • Distinguish between and among informative, journalistic, and literary writing.

  • Use literary devices and techniques to craft poetic forms.

2Q :

Compose forms of literary writing.

3Q :

Compose forms of literary writing

4Q :

Compose a play review

  • F- Oral Language and Fluency

1Q :

  • Use the appropriate segmental (sounds of English) and the supra segmental or prosodic features of speech when delivering lines of poetry and prose in a speech choir, jazz chants and raps.

  • Use the correct pitch, juncture, stress, intonation, rate of speech, volume and projection when delivering lines of poetry and prose in dramatic and conventional speech choirs.

  • Use the correct pitch, juncture, stress, intonation, rate of speech, volume and projection when delivering lines of poetry and prose in dramatic and conventional speech choirs.

  • Use the appropriate and effective speech conventions expected of speech choir presentations.

2Q :

  • Employ varied verbal and non-verbal strategies to create impact on the audience while delivering lines in a Readers Theatre or in a Chamber Theatre.

  • Use the correct production of English sounds: vowels sounds, consonant sounds, diphthongs, etc.

3Q :

  • Employ varied verbal and non-verbal strategies while performing in a one-act play.

  • Produce the English sounds correctly and effectively when delivering lines in a one-act play.

  • Use the appropriate prosodic features of speech when delivering lines in a one-act play

  • Use effective and appropriate non-verbal communication strategies

4Q :

  • Employ effective and appropriate non-verbal communication strategies

  • G- Grammar Awareness

2Q : Use adverbs in narration, Use past conditionals in expressing arguments.

4Q : Change direct to indirect speech and vice versa


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